Saturday, July 19, 2008


Hey all!

Now you know the daily routine... here are some stories from the week. 

Today marked our mid.way mark in terms of weeks i think... not really sure. too many days to count... A fun story from today, i was scheduled to make breakfast, but seeing its malawi there was no power, no gas, and no water so i ended up making scramble eggs on a b.b.q. that the cooks put inside the kitchen. quite the experience, not really sure why they put in inside, when in rome. 

On Wednesday afternoons we go in to the nearby village, Mgwayi, and we were doing our sports, games outreach-vbs, and as i approached the house that i visit twice a week, the 2 year old girl, Pempero, and she came running towards open armed. It was just one of the many signs to see God's hand working in the village. 

I dont remember if i told this story last post... but during teaching art last week, normally we have 2 translator, except last thursday we had none, it was amazing to see how much can be said in silence. needless to say their projects came out amazing. 

the last story or comment i have is the amazing interns that are here, each one of us can connect on different levels, and are encouraging to one another. it sounds cheezy but its true, even though we may not all be best friends when we return home, we will be able to say how we helped another intern grow and change.

my eyes are opening up to what i want to do in my life and where i want to my feet to rest. this is an experience that many have told me will change my life, and each day im seeing that happen more and more...

hope everyone is doing well! missing seeing your faces!

xoxo Les

p.s. email me!

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